News Articles
Posted on Apr 17th, 2013
Don't forget to fill out the Survey if you haven't already. Background: For many years the HOA Board has worked on updating and consolidating the original 1979 AV Covenants. Currently there are two different Covenants, one each for Phase I and Phase II. Around 8 years ago, a combined set of Covenants was developed that addressed these differences and also attempted to modernize the original requirements. However, the revised Covenants have never received the signatures of 66% of property owners required for approval. Even the revised version does not properly address some important issues like re-subdivision of lots and size of vehicles allowed on AV lots. Your current HOA Board believes it is time to develop a fair, consistent, modern and enforceable Covenants document. For that purpose the Board is seeking input on some issues to see how property owners feel. Please complete all 3 parts of the survey and you can add comments after each vote. Thank you!
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